Research Article | Volume-1 Issue-1 (Nov-Dec, 2023) | Published: 25 Dec, 2023
Role of Blood Transfusion in the Management of Obstetric Emergencies in the Gynaecology-Obstetrics Department of Gao Hospital (Mali)
Kalifa TRAORE, Bocary Sidi KONE, Mahamoudou COULIBALY, Sema Keita, Cheickna Sylla, Yacouba SYLLA, Issa GUINDO, Bamba Brehima, Mamadou HAÏDARA, Dramane FOMBA, Yacouba Aba COULIBALY, Modibo DICKO, Seydou Z Dao, Sékou Bakary KEITA, Mahamadou Keita, Seydou FA

The aim was to evaluate the role of blood transfusion in the management of obstetric emergencies in the gynaecology and obstetrics department at Gao Hospital. Materials and methods: This was a prospective, descriptive, cross-sectional, analytical study from January 01 to June 30, 2020, i.e. a period of six (06) months in the gynecology-obstetrics department at Gao Hospital. Results: We recorded 536 cases of obstetric emergencies, of which 120 cases required emergency blood transfusion, i.e. 22.39%. The 20-29 age group was the most affected with an average age of 26.5 years. The extremes were 15 and 49 years old. About 95.8% of the transfused women were housewives. During our study, 99.2% of transfused patients were married. During our study, the majority of transfused patients were non-literate, i.e. 90% of cases. Referral/Evacuation was the most common mode of admission at 63.3%. The majority of women transfused had a haemoglobin level between 4 and 6 g/dl, or 55.8%. Whole blood was the only blood product for blood transfusion, accounting for 100% of cases. In 39.2% of the cases, we asked for 4 units of blood. 37.5% of patients had received at least 2 units of blood. During our study, 341 bags were prescribed, an average of 2.85 per patient. Of the 341 bags requested, 237 were served, which represents 69.5% of needs covered. The rate of unmet needs was 30.5% or 104 bags of blood. Retroplacental hematoma was the main indication for blood transfusion with 21.7% of cases. In 7.5% of patients experienced transfusion-related complications (malaria). 70.0% of patients had a haemoglobin level between 8 and 9 g/dl after transfusion. The majority of transfused patients were discharged from hospital (cured), i.e. 93.3%. Conclusion: The rate of unmet obstetric needs is high. This high rate can have a negative impact on obstetric prognosis.

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