About Us

About Us

GI Publisher (Greenfort International Publisher) is an International Publisher for online open access scientific research journals Run by SAS Progressive Research Foundation (SASPRF) from India. The aim of publisher is to provide rapid academic publishing to the scholars and researchers all over the world. Our team is dedicated to continuously improving service provision and to maintaining high quality standards. We publish journals in all disciplines including Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Medical Sciences, Business Management Studies, Agriculture, Biosciences, Engineering and Linguistics among others, to meet the demands of scholars and researchers around the world.


Our Vision

Greenfort International Publisher is committed to timely and effective publication of peer reviewed, high standard quality work to ensure the high quality of published articles. Expert editorial board members from different disciplines and specializations are dedicated to an efficient and constructive review process to maintain international research publishing standards.


Open Access Policy

GI Journal provides immediate open access to its content on making freely available to the global exchange of knowledge in non-commercial purpose. Manuscripts are published under the CC-BY-NC license, which allows the manuscript to be freely shared or used, as long as attribution is given for non-commercial purpose. Authors can freely to post the published manuscript on personal websites, institutional repositories, and any other database.


Publication Ethics

GI Publisher Journals follows highest practices defined by the COPE (Committee of Publication Ethics) for editors.

We work hard to advance best practices in the academic community and uphold integrity in all of our publishing endeavors as a globally engaged open access publisher. We adhere to the Code of Conduct and best practice guidelines for Journal Editors published by the Committee on Publication Ethics and the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly.


Plagiarism and duplicate submission

Plagiarism is duplicating the precise of publishing information. GI Publisher cross checks each submitted manuscript that is been submitted to any of its associate publishing journal. Any article that has incompletely/totally with plagiarized information will be dismissed promptly.


Manuscripts submitted to GI Publisher journals should not have been published before and not concurrently be submitted elsewhere.  If duplicate submission is detected during peer review, the manuscript may be rejected. If it is detected after publication, the manuscript may be retracted.