Research Article | Volume-2 Issue-1 (Jan-Feb, 2024) | Published: 15 Feb, 2024
Detection of Toxoplasmosis in Pregnant Women’s In Sabratha City of Using VIDS
Rwida A. Emberesh, Qutaiba Alrawi

Toxoplasmosis is usually asymptomatic, but can have severe consequences if It occurs in immunodeficient subject or fetuses. The diagnosis of toxoplasmosis during pregnancy is often based on maternal serological testing for IgM and IgG Anti- Toxoplasma antibodies. Persistence of IgM for long periods, posses' problems in distinguishing acute from chronic infection. The evaluation of specific IgG avidity enables more accurate dating, since avidity rises progressively during the course of infection. Test that measures immunoglobulin G (IgG) is used to determine if a person has been infected. If it is necessary to try to estimate the time of infection, which is of particular importance for pregnant women, a test which measures immunoglobulin M (IgM) is also used along with other tests such as an avidity test. Toxoplasma-specific IgG antibodies are detectable 1-3 weeks after infection and remain detectable for the life of the individual. Toxoplasma-specific IgM antibodies are also detectable 1-3 weeks after infection but generally decline to nil by one year after infection. The VIDAS® TOXO IgM (TXM) assay is intended for use on the instruments of the VIDAS family (VITEK® Immunodiagnostic Assay System) as an automated enzyme-linked fluorescent immunoassay (ELFA) for the presumptive qualitative detection of anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgM antibodies in human serum. Seventy-six (76) women in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy were tested for VIDAS IgM, IgG antibodies and VIDAS Toxo-IgG avidity. Low avidity antibodies were demonstrated in 2 (33.3%) of 6 sera positive with IgM assay and 4 (12.12%) of sera positive with IgG assay. Low avidity was also detected in 2 (3.27%) of 61 sera negative with IgM. The low avidity suggesting a recent infection, while high avidity in 3 (50%) of the 6 positive IgM and 24 (72.72%) of 33 positive IgG indicating that the Infection acquired in the distant past. These findings highlight the value of VIDAS IgG avidity when used in combination with the VIDAS IgM and IgG assays to provide a confirmatory evidence of an acute infection with a single serum specimen for pregnant women.

Greenfort International Journal of Applied Medical Science by Greenfort International Publisher is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
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