Research Article | Volume-2 Issue-2 (Mar-Apr, 2024) | Published: 11 Apr, 2024
Management of Pregnancy-Associated Hypertension at the Kalaban Coro Referral Health Centre, Bamako, Mali
Bocary Sidi Kone, Mahamoudou Coulibaly, Kalifa Traore, Cheickna Sylla, Séma Keita, Siaka Amara Sanogo, Adane Adiawiakoye, Sékou Bakary Keita, Bamba Bréhima, Mamadou Haïdara, Dramane Fomba, Yacouba Aba Coulibaly, Yacouba Sylla, Modibo Dicko, Seydou Z Dao, A

We conducted a descriptive cross-sectional study from JUNE 1 to NOVEMBER 30, a period of six months. Our study included all pregnant women admitted to both wards for hypertension during pregnancy during the study period. Age, occupation, risk factors, history, gestation, parity, laboratory tests, complications, and treatment were studied. Out of 2500 pregnant women admitted, 150 had hypertension during pregnancy, i.e. a prevalence of 6%. The age group between 20 and 30 was the most common with 49%. The pre-eclampsia type is the most common subgroup with 46% and the most dreaded because of its high feto-maternal morbidity and mortality. We recorded maternal complications such as eclampsia and HRP. It is known that poor quality of NPC, late detection of hypertension, low socio-economic level, poor adherence to treatment are factors increasing mortality and feto-maternal morbidity.

Greenfort International Journal of Applied Medical Science by Greenfort International Publisher is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
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