Prenatal care is essential for ensuring the health of both mothers and their unborn children, with diverse communities adopting unique methods for providing care before and during pregnancy. This paper examines prenatal care practices among the Hausa people of West Africa, focusing on both traditional and modern approaches. The first section explores traditional prenatal care in Hausaland, detailing cultural practices such as the identification of pregnancy, dietary guidance, herbal remedies, spiritual protection, and community support. The second section discusses the shift toward modern prenatal care, which includes medical tests like urine and blood tests, ultrasound scans, and regular visits to clinics and hospitals. The paper also analyzes how modern healthcare has impacted traditional practices, highlighting the integration of both systems in contemporary Hausaland. Findings suggest that while traditional practices remain deeply rooted in Hausa culture, modern prenatal care has led to improved maternal and child health outcomes. The paper concludes by emphasizing the importance of integrating traditional wisdom with modern healthcare to provide comprehensive and effective prenatal care in Hausaland.
Keywords: Hausaland, Prenatal Care, Hausa Culture, Traditional Medicine.