Research Article | Volume-2 Issue-4 (Jul-Aug, 2024) | Published: 29 Aug, 2024
Social Problem and Hepatitis B Infection in Pregnant Women Primigravidae and Multigravidae at Padang Serai Health Center in Bengkulu City: A Mixed Methods Study
Fiya Diniarti, Mohamed Saifulaman Mohamed Said, Norhashima Abd Rashid

Background: Hepatitis B in pregnant women has an impact on low fetal birth weight, premature, antepartum hemorrhage due its chronic nature and transmission of hepatitis B virus from mother to child is significant public health problem. ​Objective: To determine of characteristics of the description of respondents and identify social problem experienced by the pregnant women with hepatitis B at the Padang Serai Health Center, Bengkulu City. Method: A mixed methods research design of methods used to identify various social problem experienced by pregnant women with hepatitis B and using descriptive statistics and processed into SPSS version 2 0 and data collected using questionnaire checklist and in depth interview guide. We conducted a survey involving 92 mothers ​after pregnancy​ with 10 in depth interviews with hepatitis B positive pregnant women and midwife coordinator and health staff analysis. Results: Descriptive analytic survey based on respondents characteristics mostly from respondents with age range (20-35 years), multigravidae, self-employed , low economy level, serawai tribe, secondary education level , do not have their own immunization history and some small husband are positive for hepatitis B. This qualitative study also identifies social problems faced by pregnant women with hepatitis B, such as knowledge, awareness, understanding of hepatitis B disease and social stigma. Conclusion: The study highlighting that prevention, control and awareness are also needed to eliminate stigma or discrimination in hepatitis B sufferers, an important factor to achieve the target of the global hepatitis elimination program by 2030. Suggestion: Recommendation for future studies to explore comprehensive combination health services ranging from screening, diagnosis, standart treatment and health education, campaign, counseling or reducing the stigma of hepatitis B patients in community.

Greenfort International Journal of Applied Medical Science by Greenfort International Publisher is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
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