Research Article | Volume-2 Issue-3 (May-June, 2024) | Published: 29 Jun, 2024
Stented and Non-Stented Techniques in Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithoplasty for Upper Ureteral Stones
S.M Yunus Ali, Md. Saiful Islam, Md. Saiful Islam, Salma Jahan, Sayem Al Munsur Faizi, Ziaur Rahman, A K Al Miraj

Background and Objectives: Extra corporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) is a non-invasive technique for treating patients with renal calculi. It fragments the stone to smaller size which ease its passage through distal urinary tracts. The purpose of this matched-pair research was to examine patients with ureteric stones to identify the effect of a ureteric stent on the success rate of extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL). Upper ureteric calculus can be treated with extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy; however, complications have been reported. Method: Prospective research was conducted in the Department of Urology, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Dhaka. Bangladesh from June 2022 July 2023 with the patients who presented for treatment of upper ureteric calculus. Ethical standards set forth by the committee were adhered to. After being informed of the study's purpose and methods, each participant signed a consent form. Information was entered into a premade proforma. Results: In our study, there were a total of 118 males and 32 females in group A, and 115 males and 35 females in group B. There were 99 patients in the group whose stones were 8–13 mm and 51 patients in the group whose stones were 14–19 mm in size. ESWL success was defined as patients who had undergone three ESWL sessions and were stone-free, while ESWL failure was defined as patients who were not stone-free after three months or who required any extra treatments. Although 13 patients in the stented group did not have stones, 22 had difficulty clearing them with ESWL. Seven patients in the stent-free group had successful ESWL treatment, while eleven others did not. Conclusion: Low morbidity and excellent effectiveness are characteristics of ESWL treatment. Ureteral stenting prior to ESWL offers no advantages over ESWL performed in situ. Patients who receive ureteral stents often experience severe pain and morbidity. The use of ureteral stents to treat upper ureteric calculus led to fewer hospital readmissions than when no stent was used, despite the fact that they are linked to higher irritative symptoms.

Keywords: Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy, Ureteral Stones, Calculus.

Greenfort International Journal of Applied Medical Science by Greenfort International Publisher is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
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