Background: Mental health among adolescents is one of the most concerning issues. The lack of parental role and peer support can trigger poor mental health. Additionally, the use of social media can also be a factor influencing mental health status. Objective: To determine the correlation between parenting styles, peer support, and social media use with mental health status among adolescents at SMA Negeri 1 Ajibarang. Research Method: This quantitative study used a descriptive-analytical method with a cross-sectional study design. The research sample consisted of 92 students from grades X and XI, and the sampling technique used was quota sampling. The test used the chi-square test. Research Results: There is a correlation between parenting styles (p-value = 0,000), peer support (p-value = 0,000), and social media use (p-value = 0,012) and the mental health status of adolescents. Poor peer support is 0,072 times more likely to result in worse mental health status compared to adolescents with good peer support. Conclusion: The study finds a correlation between parenting styles, peer support, and social media use in adolescents.
Keywords: Parenting Styles, Peer Support, Social Media Use, Mental health Status, Adolescents.