Research Article | Volume-2 Issue-4 (Jul-Aug, 2024) | Published: 19 Aug, 2024
Women's Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Regarding Cervical Cancer Prevention at the Reference Health Centre in Bamako (Mali)
Sylla Cheickna, Sanogo Siaka Amara, Bocoum Amadou, Fané Seydou, Adiawiakoye Adane, Séma Kéita, Dembele Sitapha, Dao Seydou Z, Tégueté Ibrahima, Traoré Youssouf, Mounkoro Niani

The aim was to assess women's knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding cervical cancer screening. Materials and methods: We conducted a descriptive and analytical study at the Reference Health Center of Commune V of the District of Bamako. Result: The average age of women was 30 years. They were mostly married (81.79%), primigestes (50.17%), nulliparous (58.76%), uneducated (53.61%) and living in urban areas (62.80%). Most of the women had already heard of cervical cancer (79.90%). Only (8.59%) of women recognized STIs as a risk factor for cervical cancer and 44.70% knew that cervical cancer was preventable. Of the women surveyed, none had already been vaccinated and about 60% had never been tested. 15.46% of women wanted to get the vaccine soon, compared to only 8.59% now. 41.20% of women had already been screened, 36.40% of them wanted to do it now against 70.80% soon.78% of women said they wanted to recommend screening to a relative. Conclusion: Most women have knowledge of its existence but their knowledge of risk factors and means of prevention is low. Their attitudes and practices are also weak.

Greenfort International Journal of Applied Medical Science by Greenfort International Publisher is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
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