Greenfort International Journal of Applied Medical Science (ISSN 3048-6904(Print) ISSN 2584-2420(Online)
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Greenfort International Journal of Applied Medical Science (ISSN 3048-6904(Print) ISSN 2584-2420(Online)
Abbreviation Title: Grn Int J Apl Med Sci
Discipline: Medical
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Volume-2 Issue-1 (Jan-Feb, 2024)
Research Article
Enhancing the Knowledge and Skills of Informal Caregivers through a Training Program: A Pre-Experimental Study
Sh Sugiharto, Dyah Putri Aryati, Wiwiek Natalya, Hana Nafiah, Benny Arief Sulistyanto
Research Article
Catheter with Implantable Chamber Results of 432 Cases
Khalil Ghebouli, Hanene Djeghri, Nadjib Mebarki, Mehdi Belbekri, Mohamed amine Kecir, Amar Djender,
Abdelnacer Haddam